We have now reached the Urghur city of Turpan which is located in a basin which often records the hottest temperatures in China. This oasis city is surrounded by a rich irrigated agricultural area.The lowest point is some 500ft below sea level. Turpan is irrigated with meltwater from the snows of the mountains to the north which was historically run in underground channels called kerez. We have visited the minaret at Emin Mosque, a traditionl Urghur village which opens its doors to visitors, another ancient abandoned settlement along the silk road called Gaochang and the caves at Bezeklik, where von Coq removed many of the Buddhist wall paintings in the early 20th century and they were destroyed in Berlin during the war bombing.
Tonight we catch a train for the 14 hours journey to Kuche (hard sleeper!). Possibly the whisky we bought at Manchester airport will come in handy!
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