I have not been able to make a post for the past 4 days as we have been travelling through a remote part of Kyrgyzstan and along the fabulous Pamir Highway through easten Tajikistan. I am not able to attach any photos to this post from an internet booth in Khorug. The distances between settlements is vast in this mountainous area and we have had to travel between 6 and 8 hours each day to get between towns. Sary Tash in Kyrgystan and Murghab in Tajikistan were our two overnight stops in simple homestays. The high mountain passes and wide open desert mountain scenery is stunning. The altitude of always over 3000 metres (and up to 4,700 metres on one pass) takes your breath away.
Khorug here is the regional capital and seems quite sophisticated by comparison. It has a University funded by the Aga Khan Foundation (as just about everything else is here) and the second highest botanic garden in the world.
Tomorrow we leave at 5.00am for a 15 hour drive to Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan and then have to grapple with the authorities at the Uzbekistan Embassy to get our Uzbek visas.
I hope to be able to attach some photos with the next post.
How are you making a post without a VPN - I can't do it here in Nanjing.